SCTE Webinars

LiveLearning: Bringing HDR Video To Life

September 19, 2019

In their drive to sell more 4K TVs, consumer electronics makers are embracing HDR, or High Dynamic Range, a technique that expands the range of both color and contrast significantly on a TV set. This technology makes images appear to have more depth and richness. But it puts even more bandwidth and compression demands on pay-TV providers. How can cable operators meet those demands? In this session, we’ll look at what’s possible.
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Presented September 2019 by Alan Breznick, Cable/Video Practice Leader - Light Reading; Thierry Fautier, Vice President, Video Strategy, Harmonic; Dean Stoneback, Senior Director of Engineering and Standards, SCTE•ISBE; and Daryl Malas, Principal Architect, CableLabs
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